Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tracey Moffatt - First Job Series..

What is her practice? How are her works made?

Tracey Moffatt is an Indigenous Australian artist that is not necessarily under the genre of indigenous art.  Moffatt mainly uses mediums such as photography and video to create her art. However the artworks she produced are not the usual sort of video art or photography you’d expect. Moffatt makes her artwork absurd and strange to look at by changing and adding effects such as; strange colours, high to low contrast, bright lighting, less or more detail and a blurred sharpness. An example of this can be seen in the artwork ‘Fruit Market, 1975 (below)’ which shows all of the previous effects listed.

What is the theme present in these artworks?

In Moffatt’s Fruit market series all of the photos appear to have the same sort of effects added. They all have the now-dated seventies colours scheme present. For example in the ‘Fruit Market, 1975’ photo pictured above you can see the front of the counter has a creamy pink paint job combined with a reflective surface present on the far left of the counter. This colour can too be seen in the sign on the back wall. The colour scheme present is typical of the seventies and Moffatt has successfully recreated a fruit store from the seventies, even though it was taken in 2008. The theme moffatt is trying to create is a sense of age and time, the fact that these stores that she worked in as an adolescent are still in existence. This typical seventies pink colour accompanied with other typical seventies colours can be seen in the ‘Hair Washer, 1976’ (below) with the cream green on the hair dryers and the bold yellow on the chairs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Aoe2 Crew Quiz!

check this out mofos!

thanks dr_moose. you're a wizz at the quiz!

Random Fact of the day! Social groups of BBC!

Here we have some REAL statistics. Thats right REAL statistics with the caps intended! Today they're all about the good ol' folks down at blackwattle bay. (click here if you really feel the need to enlarge).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SSC Blackwattle HSC Art Show @ The Muse

A few of my colleagues and myself recently head down for the 'Sydney Secondary College - Blackwattle Bay Campus HSC Art Show' at the MUSE Gallery the Pyrmont TAFE, Sydney Australia. 
It was quite interesting to see the variety of artworks on display at the show. The art being produced being produced by the art students is quite wonderful and high standards for young adults just experimenting with their talents. 

"I like the fact that many of the artworks shown here tonight have been done digitally. Observing  these, in my opinion, can show us what we're headed for in the new future." - Anonymous, 2/9/2008
I managed to record this great STV art special which I've provided below the pictures.

Here are a few photos my colleagues happened to take due to their own personal interests. (click to enlarge). * = Featured in Video.

* Artwork Featured in Video
* Artwork Featured in Video

If you would like to find out more about what the students have to go through when making these artworks or you just want to know more about HSC Art. Why not check out:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Guide to All Nighters

"Better than doing this"
  • Have you ever had the urge to get up off the couch one evening and get together with your friends for a massive walk through the darkness and eeriness of the city at night time? 
  • Have you ever wanted to see what happens to the streets at midnight?
  • Do you like sight of the moon in the night sky beaming through the clouds of the night?
  • Can you handle leaving the comfort and warmth of your bed  for one night of your life?
  • Can you handle not being able to have a shower/brush your teeth/comb your hair/wash your face etc. for one night of your life?
  • Can you handle not having everyday comforts for one night of your life?
  • Can you handle handle getting tetnis?
All yes?   ....... except for the last one?

Then why not go on an all nighter on the town?

There are loads of things to do in the city at night and its lots of fun. Not to mention the experience of living it down!

Here is a list of things you MUST do if you choose to encounter an all nighter with you and your friends!:

  • Make sure you wait till a shopping centre is opened and sleep in the food court. There is a complex in Darling Harbour that is perfect for this!
  • Make sure you have a couple of people who dog you on the way. 2 is a reasonable number. What you can do is make one of you friends go home by walking past a train station that goes to his house. He is bound to leave if you do that. For your other dog friend you can walk kind of close to his house and he will soon become 'sick' and want to go home.
  • A perfect situation and environment for an all nighter is in winter when it is cold, windy and rainy.
  • A good opportunity to have an all nighter is after a party that is really far away from your house. A good 2 hour walk is the perfect distance.
  • You also gotta make sure you go somewhere that tempts you to walk back home instead of catching a bus or train. For example you go to an area where you HAVE to walk home because there are no services to you and your friends houses from there.
  • It's nice if your group splits up at some point in the night.
  • Make sure one of your friends loves techno music and brings his headphones to play really loud while you try to sleep in the comfort of  the food court.
  • Try not to bring necessary clothes for the weather conditions. For example if it's winter.  Just don't bring a jumper. It's great!
  • Don't tell your parents!
  • Steal food from the party you leave from. Apples and Rice Crackers are perfect!
  • Bring Stickers (Triple JJJ stickers are most suited) and stick them as you travel in the greatness of the night.

Here is a great route idea for your All Nighter. (click to enlarge)
Point A: Is Summer Hill Skate Park
Point B: is Darling Harbour

And that concludes my guide to All Nighters. It's been a pleasure and Good Luck!