I'm not sure about everyone else, but LimeWire was the application that started my love for music. This application started it all, well for me at least. Before my dad introduced me to this I was listening to Fatboy Slim CDs through my portable stereo in my bedroom. Then one day dad comes into my bedroom and is like
"Hey! Look at what I got!"
, then he leaves my room expecting me to follow him and I do. By the time I realise where he is, he has already downloaded my at the time favourite song. 'Oh Yeah' by Yellow, AKA the Duffman theme song. I walk into the room and hear what but this song playing through the computer speakers and I'm like
"Hey! How'd you get this song?"
and dads like
"Easy! Watch This" and cracks his fingers
"Name a song?" he proudly shouts
"Nu Flow by Big Brovaz (one of my favourites from my 'So Fresh' Compilation albums)
and in a second dad has it and is showing it off to me and my brother.
And from that day onwards my music collection grew and grew and grew. Pasing on through many P2P clients. such as
Morpheus (P2P) - shit.
Ares (P2P) - to
Frostwire (P2P) - S
Emule (P2P, I think??)-
Soulseek (P2P) - Still use when I can't find it on frostwire.
µTorrent (Torrent) - I still use today on my dad's PC. Nice and Lightweight.
Azureus (Torrent) - Found µTorrent better.
and now my current Application
Transmission (Torrent) - Good. Really simple and light Weight. Mac OS X co
As you can see I have moved from P2P to Torrent. I prefer using Torrents they are; reliable, come with all the track info, come with album artworks, are usually high quality tracks. I have never downloaded a virus via torrent, but there are not so many out there that fool you into downloading (unlike P2P). Although torrents can be quite slow I still think they are really good and are the best way to download things.
P2P is; unreliable, have a lot of viruses, a lot of the time are songs that are recorded of the radio or really bad quality, often come with out any track info except the name, never have album artwork, a lot of files are ads 'steven spielberg gets prank called', 'TRACK 1', 'COOL HIP TRACK', 'What ever you search, but with underscores'. I only use P2P now-a-days to downloads things that are not on Torrent.
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